Faculty Teaching Award Scheme 2018-19

The Faculty Teaching Award Scheme recognises and rewards teachers with outstanding achievements and significant contributions in teaching and student learning in the Faculty. The award-winners for the academic year 2018-19 are:


Faculty Outstanding Teacher Award (Undergraduate Teaching)

alex chan

Dr. Alex CHAN
Principal Lecturer

“My passion in teaching drives me to explore different teaching practices to establish an effective learning environment for my students.  Excellent course preparation and course design is one of essential elements. Furthermore, as I believe that every student in my class is a distinctive individual learner, I do my best to recognize every student and understand the student’s learning progress. Through developing a mutual respect relationship, a teacher can provide a personalized learning experience to individual students. I believe that this personalization practice can effectively enhance students’ learning interests and their commitment to learning process and also let a teacher provide personalized learning guidance to individual students.”

Dr. Michael JIA
Assistant Professor

“As a researcher, I strongly believe that the beauty of academic business research lies in its power to address real-world issues with theoretical insights, which practitioners might not be readily aware of through simply accumulating business experiences. It is crucial to engage students in active learning by encouraging them to apply theoretical frameworks to various real-life examples and cases and by inspiring them with recent research findings that offer important insights into managerial problems. Through various forms of active learning, students can eventually acquire analytical skills and develop sharp business insights. ”

Dr. Claudian KWOK
Principal Lecturer

“To arouse the interest of the students to learn Economics, we cannot simply teach them the technical skills to solve the economic models. We have to show them that Economics IS relevant: Economics can help them develop insights about the real world that they live in.

To engage the students in the learning process, we cannot simply use the monotonous chalk-and-talk presentation format in the lectures. We have to draw the attention of the students by using multi-media in the lecture presentation and to enrich the learning experience of the students by adopting a variety of active learning activities. ”

Dr. Olivia LEUNG
Principal Lecturer

“Design and Delivery are the two most significant factors in my teaching preparation.  Design includes digesting academic materials to find the hidden twists that may challenge students’ understanding and creating teaching materials that fit the learning style of most students.  In order to design effectively, you need to observe the students’ needs and communicate with them to understand their learning styles and challenges.

While good design produces the tangibles, delivery is all about the intangibles, such as logic, pace, tone, and atmosphere.  You may vary these elements in different classes based on the background, interests, and characteristics of different student groups.  Successfully established intangibles will naturally build a trustworthy environment for students to interact with you.  The feedback you collect from students will help you with designing the next class.”

Faculty Special Contribution Teaching Award

Mr. David BISHOP
Principal Lecturer

Mr. David LEE
Senior Lecturer

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