FBE Students Win Championship in World Asian Case Competition 2018

A team formed by two FBE students and another two students from HKU has beaten over 60 teams, including those from world-renowned universities, and won the Championship in the 2018 World Asian Business Case Competition. 

This is an annual case competition organised by The Academy of Asian Business. This year’s theme is “How Asian Brands Soar”. Participating teams were asked to present an Asian business case on how it turned its small start into a tremendous success, and the HKU team has made a fantastic analysis on how Grab, a Singapore-based technology company offering ride-hailing transport services, food delivery and payment solutions, beat Uber in Southeast Asia. 

Thanks Professor Haipeng Shen for being the advisor of the team, and congratulations to all the team members. 

FBE members include:
Miss Chiu Ngai Han, BBA(Acc&Fin), Year 4
Miss Lam Wai Ting, Alison, BSc(QFin), Year 4


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