FBE students win top prizes in HSBC Financial Innovation Case Study

HKU Faculty of Business and Economics undergraduate students won top prizes in the HSBC Financial Dialogue Series 2019 – Financial Innovation Case Study. This initiative is part of the HSBC Future Skills Development Project, which organised by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups.

The final presentation was held on 17 August, brought together different university teams and business leaders who joined as the judges. Under the topic of “Enhance customers’ experience of financial capability by increasing awareness of risk and security on wealth management through a tech‐driven solution”, students were asked to develop innovative solutions with the use of technology, e.g. mobile application, platform that serves users to enhance customer experience, especially in a financial capability perspective. Through preparing a thorough analysis and proposal, students are able to develop critical thinking skills and unleash their creativity.

Team “Sequoia”, formed by six Year 3 FBE students, has proposed the concept of virtual credit card and won the Championship in the contest. The team said, “Coming up with the idea of using virtual credit card, we have explored new areas such as engineering and financial technology, and reviewed the existing situation of credit card fraud. The most challenging part in this case study was to project the effectiveness and financials of our solutions, and to employ models that are backed by comprehensive researches and grounded assumptions”.

“Our team consists of members of very different specialisation, backgrounds and internship experiences. The success attributed to our teammates’ strengths in respective areas and the seamless collaboration among all”.

Members of the Champion Team Sequoia are:
Pak Hin CHEUNG, BEcon&Fin, Year 3
Chin Yin KONG, BEcon&Fin, Year 3
Ho Leung LAM, BBA, Year 3
Yi Lam Yvonne HUI, BBA(Law)&LLB, Year 3
Tsz To LAM, BEcon&Fin, Year 3
Jennifer Wing Yee NGAI, BBA(Acc&Fin), Year 3


Two FBE students in Team Finnovators, which won the 1st Runner-up, are:
Pak Siu CHOW, BEcon&Fin, Year 3
Sai On TSUI, BBA(IS), Year 4

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