Foster a Lifelong Learning Community: Alumni Auditing Programme

One requires more than constant adaptation and acquisition of new skills to excel in today’s dynamic and fast-paced business environment. In order to equip our alumni with new knowledge and to refresh their networks, the Faculty of Business and Economics offers the taught post-graduate alumni the chance to come back to class and top-up their learning to stay relevant and competitive.

Last autumn, HKU MBA alumni were invited to join the pilot alumni auditing programme. Beyond our expectation, we received encouraging response and nearly all forty seats were filled in a short period of time. The programme was then expanded to include alumni from taught-postgraduate master programmes last December, including Master of Accounting, Masters of Economics and Master of Finance. Once again, we were impressed by the overwhelming feedback with all seats taken quickly by alumni who are eager to learn.

“It was refreshing to learn for myself,” one alumni participated in the programme last semester noted. Others reported much satisfaction growing their network and meeting current students.  “My experience was fantastic, loved the teacher and content and found the lectures very engaging and relevant,” raved a student who joined the newly added Private Equity/Venture Capital course taught by a VC expert and new adjunct professor, Marvin Lai. Another student in Mr. Lai’s class mentioned that he was interested in learning more about investing, as he was investing private funds himself.

This audit programme also benefits faculty members, who enjoy having experienced participants in the classroom with current students, who then can have the opportunity to meet with alumni from different backgrounds and age. Students are delighted to sit with alumni who have lived through the programme and are now working in a large variety of industries in Hong Kong.

In view of growing demand for lifelong learning, the Faculty will be offering another round of audit classes the coming summer, and explore opportunities to expand the programme to a broader alumni community.

Please stay tuned.

What you need to know about alumni auditing:

  • FBE postgraduate alumni are eligible to audit one elective per academic year
  • The cost is HKD500, payable via bank transfer
  • Seats are allocated on the basis of availability and only with the permission of the teaching faculty members
  • No credit or certificate of completion will be granted to alumni
  • The teaching faculty member(s) reserves the rights to decide alumni’s in-class engagement
      MBA alumni auditing an elective course “Crisis Management in a Global Business Environment” taught by Prof. Raymond Reed Baker in September 2019
      Students and alumni are inspired by the sharing of Prof. Philip Chen, Professor of Practice in Management and Strategy and former CEO of Hang Lung Properties and Hang Lung Group; Ms Diana Cesar, HSBC Hong Kong CEO and Christine Ip, CEO of United Overseas Bank (UOB) Greater China
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