HKU Business School students achieve top results in Global Markets Competition 2021 | APAC

HKU Business School students achieve top results in Global Markets Competition 2021 | APAC

Congratulations to our UG business students who have won the “Best Pitch Deck Award”, Top 10 & Top 25 in the Amplify Trading Global Markets Competition 2021 | APAC.

Kim Nahee, BFin(AMPB), Year 4 and Song Yunju, BBA, Year 5 won the Best Pitch Deck Award. They constructed a buy-side pitch book that aimed to help a recently established asset management firm to raise funds from potential clients following the top-down investment strategy starting from global macroeconomics trends, growth potential and broad industry sectors, and based on concrete quantitative measures to make final investment decisions.

“We think the competition is an amazing opportunity for us to experience the role of portfolio managers, allocate assets based on the market movement, and present data throughout the different market situations. We were also able to experience the roles of both a market maker and hedge fund, which allowed us to gain a well-rounded understanding of the financial market mechanisms.”

On top of the “Best Pitch Deck Award”, Yunju was also awarded top 10, while Lo Chun Yu, BSc(QFin), Year 4 and Ng Lok Shan Brendan, BSc(QFin), Year 3 were awarded top 25 in the competition.

Chun Yu is grateful to have had the opportunity to participate in this fun-filled yet insightful experience. “It was a great way to take the initiative to conduct a detailed global macro analysis, form our own investment strategy, mitigate potential risks, and most importantly to learn how to tell a good story to our hypothetical investors.”

He also thinks the experience is remarkable and recommends those interested in financial markets to join this competition. “Not only did we learn to leverage our finance knowledge and market sense, but also, the thrills of seeing our investment decisions rewarded by the market were definitely something we could not have obtained in textbooks.”

Brendan shares that the competition allowed his team to work on the presentation crafting skills. He also learned the importance of taking quick, calculated decisions to generate profit as an OTC (Over-the-counter) market maker. “Specialising in certain markets or products when making markets made it easier to match buyers and sellers. Overall, I am grateful to have this opportunity to take part in the competition and I think it was worth the time.”

The competition aims to help university students from all disciplines to gain practical understanding in the world of finance, particularly in Asset Management, Sales & Trading, Wealth Management, Hedge Fund and Research through a series of lecture videos, pitch deck presentation and trading simulations.

In the Preliminary Round of the competition, 692 teams of students from the APAC region worked in groups of two to prepare buy-side pitch decks and participated in live asset management simulation online. 38 qualified teams entered the Grand Final Round on March 21, 2021. Members of the teams were required to compete on individual basis. 76 students participated in the trading simulation competition by making multi-asset investment strategies in both the roles of a Hedge Fund Manager and a market maker based on instantaneous news.

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