HKU MBA Programme Ranked No. 1 in Asia for the 9th Consecutive Year

In the latest World MBA Rankings released by The Economist1 today, the MBA Programme offered by the Faculty of Business and Economics of The University of Hong Kong (HKU Business School) has been awarded No.1 in Asia for the ninth consecutive year since 2010.


“We are delighted that the HKU MBA Programme has been ranked the best in Asia for nine consecutive years. This remarkable achievement is a recognition of our continuous efforts in offering the highest quality MBA education.” Professor Hongbin Cai, Dean of HKU Business School, said. “I would like to thank the support from all our stakeholders, who have contributed to the development of the Programme. We will continue to strengthen our connection with alumni and together, we will make our MBA Programme stronger and better.”

Professor Patrick Chau, Associate Dean (Postgraduate), added, “We have been further enhancing the learning experience for our students, not only providing multi-location exposure and Asia-Pacific focused curriculum that differentiate us from others, but also a wide array of electives that are relevant to the dynamic market landscape. We are committed to strengthening the career development services and aspiring them to achieve greater success. We shall, from time to time, introduce timely elements to the Programme in order to meet the changing needs of the business world.”


With strong demands from the globe, the HKU MBA Programme continues to grow in scale, providing market-oriented and/or China- and Asia-focused electives. Our students come from different parts of the world which makes the HKU MBA multinational and international.


The Economist MBA Ranking is based on independent surveys on the following factors which are considered to be essential to their education by MBA students around the globe:

  • Open new career opportunities and/or advance current career
  • Personal development and educational experience
  • Salary increment
  • Potential to network

In addition to The Economist rankings, the HKU MBA is consistently ranked amongst the top programmes on other reputable international league tables. In the 2018 Financial Times ranking of ‘Top MBAs for Finance’, HKU MBA is ranked No. 13 in the world and No. l in Hong Kong. HKU MBA also ranked No. 7 in the Forbes 2017 Full-time MBA Rankings: The Best International MBAs: One-Year Programs (


1The Economist MBA Ranking:


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