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A Warm Welcome to Undergraduate Freshmen of the 2024-25 Intake and Incoming Exchange Students at HKU Business School
2024 | 教與學
A Warm Welcome to Undergraduate Freshmen of the 2024-25 Intake and Incoming Exchange Students at HKU Business School
In celebration of the commencement of the new academic year, HKU Business School is fully prepared to greet the undergraduate freshmen of the 2024-25 intake and incoming exchange students with a diverse range of engaging and informative orientation activities commencing in mid-August 2024.
港大經管學院「未來領袖獎學金計劃」  表揚逾百名學術成績卓越的本地學生
2024 | 學院成就
港大經管學院「未來領袖獎學金計劃」 表揚逾百名學術成績卓越的本地學生
港大經管學院一直致力培育新一代成為更全面及具前瞻性的領袖,舉辦了第三屆「未來領袖獎學金計劃」(簡稱「計劃」)(Future Leader Scholarship Programme),表揚104名學術成績表現卓越的本地本科生,旨在為學生提供所需資源,擴闊他們的知識領域,增強競爭力,為他們未來的事業發展奠定基礎。