

自70年代布雷頓森林制度 (Bretton Woods System)崩潰,國際外匯市場開始進入匯價浮動的新時代,匯價波幅亦因此成爲國際貿易中的主要風險之一。隨著90年代全球化加速、全球供應鏈擴張,外匯風險對跨國企業在投資、貿易、以及融資活動的影響亦與日俱增。

有鑒於學界缺乏針對外匯風險對企業投資行爲的實證研究,港大經管學院金融學助理教授王自干博士聯同來自聖路易斯華盛頓大學奧林學院 (Olin School of Business) 的Mark P. Tylor教授和浙江大學經濟學院金融學系的許奇博士,一同研究分析來自44個國家的4082家跨國企業,由1987年至2017年間的資本支出數據。




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Kudos to Prof. Gedeon Lim for His Insightful Research on Inter-Ethnic Relations!
2025 | 學院新聞
Kudos to Prof. Gedeon Lim for His Insightful Research on Inter-Ethnic Relations!
We’re happy to share that the article Prof. Gedeon Lim contributed to, titled "How does interacting with other ethnicities shape political attitudes?" has been published on VoxDev! In this research, it examines how living near resettlement sites for ethnic minorities in Malaysia can shift political preferences. His findings reveal that closer proximity not only improves economic outcomes but also fosters casual interactions in shared public spaces. VoxDev serves as a vital platform for economists, policymakers, and practitioners to discuss key development issues, making expert insights accessible to a wide audience. Join us in exploring Prof. Lim’s contributions to understanding how inter-ethnic contact can drive positive social change! Read more here: https://bit.ly/3Cu2938
HKU Business School Launches Inaugural Overseas Alumni Network in the Middle East
2025 | 學院新聞
HKU Business School Launches Inaugural Overseas Alumni Network in the Middle East
HKU Business School is thrilled to announce the establishment of our 2nd international alumni network, in the Middle East. Alongside current full-time MBA students and local business leaders, our Inaugural Executive Committee and other fellow alumni celebrated this momentous occasion together at The Palace Downtown Dubai.