Asset Management and Private Banking Alumni Sharing

On 27th September, Alumni Sharing, attended by 47 young AMPB students (freshmen and Year 2) was our Programme’s first networking event.  15 alumni returned to their alma mater to interact with their juniors (師弟 and 師妹) and shared their stories at AMPB and their paths landing on their first job, including UBS, CS, JB, DB, Fidelity, Citibank, HSBC, BOCI, Robeco and Mercer, spanning from private banking, buy side investment bank, sell side asset managers, sales and trading to investment consulting.

The sharing at round tables

The alumni with Professor Anna Wong


The gathering was an enriching blend of perspectives as alumni shared their personal experiences at the University and their paths to professional success.  For the Year 1 and Year 2 students, this was an insightful opportunity to listen “first-hand”, the insights from the alumni provided a realistic glimpse into what the industry demands and the potential rewards of a career in finance, especially in asset management and private banking.

They spoke of long hours, the need for continuous learning and the critical importance of building strong professional networks.  They shared tips on what skills to develop, how to make the most of your time at the university and how to effectively handle job interviews.

A big thanks to the participating alumni. Your sharings have provided practical advice, inspiration and motivation to our youngsters at the very early stage of their career journey.

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港大經管學院「未來領袖獎學金計劃」  表揚逾百名學術成績卓越的本地學生
2024 | 學院成就
港大經管學院「未來領袖獎學金計劃」 表揚逾百名學術成績卓越的本地學生
港大經管學院一直致力培育新一代成為更全面及具前瞻性的領袖,舉辦了第三屆「未來領袖獎學金計劃」(簡稱「計劃」)(Future Leader Scholarship Programme),表揚104名學術成績表現卓越的本地本科生,旨在為學生提供所需資源,擴闊他們的知識領域,增強競爭力,為他們未來的事業發展奠定基礎。
2024 | 學院成就
國家自然科學基金是中國支持基礎研究的 “主渠道” ,其獲准項目情況是衡量高校學術水平和科研實力的重要標誌之一。港大經管學院今年取得亮眼成績,4位傑出學者的研究項目獲國家自然科學基金撥款資助, 其中包括 “國家傑出青年科學基金” 、 “優秀青年科學基金” 和 “青年科學基金” 的項目資助。這無疑是對學院在基礎研究領域卓越實力的有力肯定。