CT Good Jobs Hong Kong Future Leaders Awards 2022

The CT Good Jobs Hong Kong Future Leaders Awards aims to provide a unique opportunity for undergraduates and fresh graduates to explore their potential and sharpen their talents to become future leaders and connect with industry experts. Participants have the opportunity to win the scholarship, connect with industry experts and even join the leading corporation as their career kickstart.

The competition consisted of two rounds. Participating individual and teams were required to submitt an idea on “The Future Workplace under New Digital Norm” in the form of text, picture or video. Quality ideas were proceeded to Public Voting and the top 10 teams or individuals were selected to earn an additional score in their challenge profile. In the second round, shortlisted participants were invited to join the leadership day and group for the final showcase study and presentation. The top 100 contestants were invited to the Leadership Day (September 23rd, 2022), where workshops and challenges were carried out and group discussion and presentation were held to examine participants’ leadership skills and potential of becoming future leader.

Lau Pak Hei, a BBA(Law)&LLB student, joined the competition as an individual, as well as formed his team on the Leadership Day.

Website / Image URL:
Hong Kong Future Leader Awards (ctgoodjobs.hk)

Best Performing Team Award


Mr. Lau Pak Hei, BBA(Law)&LLB, Year 3

Students Sharing:
“The CTGoodjobs Hong Kong Future Leader Awards was an exceptionally rewarding experience for me. I understood how the concept of the traditional workplace has shifted during the pandemic, and how a redefinition of the workplace by looking at the corporate purpose through an empathetic and human lens could bring immense benefits to employees and motivation. I was also grateful to have diligent and innovative teammates during the leadership day, who were randomly assigned by the organizer that day, to collaborate and find solutions to different case questions and leadership tasks.”
(by Lau Pak Hei)

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