HKSI Institute Case Competition 2023


The HKSI Institute Case Competition 2023 is a business competition organized by the Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute (HKSI). The competition aims to provide an unique opportunity for students to develop their careers in the financial industry. Since its launch in 2004, the Case Competition (previously known as the Scholarship Programme), has provided the opportunity to more than 800 university students to develop their career in the financial industry.

This year, the competition focused on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, and required students to complete three rounds: ESG Research Project, ESG Research Case Study and Panel Interview. 


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Awards and awardees:

Champion Team – Team “ESGers”

Ms. Cheung Wai Yin, BBA, Year 2

Ms. Lee Hiu Yee, BBA(IBGM), Year 2

(1 other team member from other university)



1st Runner Up – Individual participant

Mr. Xu Mingyuan, BBA(BA), Year 1


Students Sharing:

“Participating in the HKSI Case Competition was a challenging yet rewarding experience for our team. Throughout this four-month journey, we were challenged in various ways. In the first round, we were asked to develop a climate disclosure framework for our project sponsor, HKEX. We then designed a DEI programme for an energy company in the semi-final round. Lastly, we were tested on our knowledge of ESG in the panel discussion. Importantly, this competition allowed us to develop a more comprehensive understanding of ESG reporting. We’re grateful for the guidance provided by our project sponsor, Ms. Kelly Lee from HKEX. We’d like to extend our gratitude to the panel of expert judges for their valuable feedback.”

(By Team ESGers)


“As the only individual among the finalists, I have to say I had the privilege to independently go through the entire process of proposing an initiative for a real-life business, acquiring transferable case analysis skills in ESG and beyond. Besides improving my technical skills, this competition is also a process of accumulating my knowledge and understanding of ESG practices. I believe that our efforts, no matter how small, can make a difference and contribute to a better tomorrow. I am proud to be part of the revolution that promotes sustainability through commercial means. All in all, it is an exciting and rewarding journey, and I would like to thank HKSI for organizing such an event.

I feel honored and excited to work with my project sponsor, BC Technology Group. The experience was valuable and inspiring for my personal career development, not only because it allowed me to propose an ESG strategy as a consultant but more importantly the opportunity to learn more about the digital asset industry. The materials and guidance provided by BC Technology Group enabled me to conduct research into the intersection of technology and finance, as well as how fintech may be used to serve ESG objectives in the industry. Looking into the future, I will definitely be willing to learn about the latest developments in how technology revolutionized financial services and also about the leading companies in this field, like BC Technology Group.”

(By XU Mingyuan)

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