HKU Business School Shenzhen Alumni Dinner cum HKU-PKU EMBA Welcome Dinner 2019

HKU Business School Shenzhen Alumni Dinner cum HKU-PKU EMBA Welcome Dinner 2019 was successfully held in Shenzhen on 9 October. Nearly 200 alumni, students, and guests gathered in this memorable evening.

Speaking at the dinner, Professor Hongbin CAI, Dean of Business and Economics expressed gratitude to alumni and students for their support to the Faculty over the years, and hoped they would continue to render their support to the Faculty’s future development.

“Alumni is the key driver of the rapid growth of the Faculty. Leveraging on the synergies and development potential brought forth by the strong connection between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, the Faculty will fully grasp the opportunities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and play a key role in nurturing world-class business talent,” Dean CAI said.

Event highlight of the day was the speech made by our special guest, Dr. Song LI, Founder of is now the largest paid matchmaking website in China and Asia. The registered members of reaches approximately 200 million and the annual revenue is expected to be nearly 3 billion yuan in 2019.

Dr. Li shared his entrepreneurial journey of walking away from a lucrative investment banker job to start his own business. He emphasised that a successful entrepreneurship relies heavily on the access to potential market. Market shows that entrepreneurships usually fail due to a lack of market demand.

He concluded by advising the audience “to be flexible and to be tough”. He said, “And you have to be brutally honest with yourself about your idea. Entrepreneurship is a journey of exploration not only of your mind, but also of the journey itself”.

In the future, we hope to host more alumni activities, and work closely with alumni and students to create a network in connecting Hong Kong, China and the world.  We also look forward to joining hands with alumni to lift our Faculty to new heights.


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