HKU Business School PhD Recruitment Camp 2024: Exploring the Path to Academic Excellence

HKU Business School PhD Recruitment Camp 2024: Exploring the Path to Academic Excellence

The HKU Business School PhD Recruitment Camp 2024 was successfully held from May 1 to 3, 2024.  53 elite students with diverse academic backgrounds from China, Singapore, the UK and the USA were selected from a pool of over three hundred applicants to join us at the event.  During the three-day Camp, participants were presented with the unique opportunity to gain valuable insights into the prospects of pursuing PhD studies through a series of interactive activities.

The Camp kicked off with the opening speech of Prof. Chen Lin, Associate Dean (Research and Knowledge Exchange), who gave an introduction of HKU Business School and provided an overview of our PhD programme. Following a delightful lunch, an alumni sharing session was organised where three distinguished alumni shared their personal experiences and insights of their PhD journeys.  We also took the participants on a captivating campus tour to show them the beauty of our campus while sharing interesting facts and important historical details of the university with them.

As a perfect conclusion to Day 1, we embarked on a boat ride to Lamma Island to indulge in delicious seafood.  Participants had the chance to socialise with our Faculty members and current students during this casual and relaxing outing.

Day 2 commenced with an enlightening PhD Students Research Showcase, where six current students presented their research projects to showcase the diverse portfolio of the research interests and strengths of our PhD students.  In the afternoon, the participants were divided into six areas according to their chosen field of research study, and engaged in intellectual activities such as thematic talks, research workshops and academic discussions with faculties.

On Day 3, the Camp concluded with a memorable closing ceremony where Prof. Lin gave his closing remarks and presented the certificates to all successful participants.  Following the ceremony, individual interviews were conducted, providing an opportunity for in-depth discussions and assessments.

We hope the experience has enriched students’ understanding of our PhD programme and inspired their intellectual curiosity to achieve excellence in academic research.  We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all supporting parties for making the PhD Recruitment Camp a tremendous success!

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