
恭賀港大經管學院金融系教授劉挺軍博士獲頒2021-22年度「學院傑出研究學者獎」﹙Faculty Outstanding Researcher Award﹚。

劉教授是研究「拍賣理論」的優秀學者,他對金融學中證券投標拍賣 ﹙Security-bid Auction﹚ 這個較少有人涉獵的研究領域有精闢獨到的見解。過去五年,劉教授共有五篇研究獲刊登於國際頂尖學術期刊,包括《美國經濟評論》﹙American Economic Review﹚、《管理科學》﹙Management Science﹚、《經濟理論雜誌》﹙Journal of Economic Theory﹚及《金融雜誌》﹙The Journal of Finance﹚。





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Kudos to Prof. Gedeon Lim for His Insightful Research on Inter-Ethnic Relations!
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Kudos to Prof. Gedeon Lim for His Insightful Research on Inter-Ethnic Relations!
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HKU Business School Launches Inaugural Overseas Alumni Network in the Middle East
2025 | 學院新聞
HKU Business School Launches Inaugural Overseas Alumni Network in the Middle East
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