Research Output Prize 2016-17

Dr. Tingjun LIU


On January 4, 2018, the Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) announced the award recipients of the 2016-17 Outstanding Researcher Awards scheme. The following paper of Dr Tingjun Liu, Associate Professor in Finance, has been awarded the Research Output Prize (ROP): 

Takeharu Sogo, Dan Bernhardt, Tingjun Liu.Endogenous Entry to
Security-Bid Auctions”. American Economic Review, 2016, Vol. 106,
No.  11, pp. 3577-3589

The ROP is a Faculty-based award to honour the best research output from each Faculty.  This year, ten Research Output Prizes are conferred on the authors by the Faculties. 


Research Output Prize Winners 2016-17

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