Venture into Future Career 2024-2025 Opening Ceremony

Venture into Future Career 2024-2025 Opening CeremonyVenture into Future Career 2024-2025 Opening CeremonyVenture into Future Career 2024-2025 Opening CeremonyVenture into Future Career 2024-2025 Opening CeremonyVenture into Future Career 2024-2025 Opening CeremonyVenture into Future Career 2024-2025 Opening Ceremony

Collaborating with Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited (Cyberport) and the AICPA & CIMA, Venture into Future Career (VFC) was initially introduced in 2020 as an exclusive programme for undergraduate students at the HKU Business School.

The primary objectives of the VFC Programme are to assist our budding talents in the following ways:

  • Providing students with career guidance and coaching
  • Facilitating career-focused discussions between students and experienced industry leaders
  • Equipping students with firsthand industry knowledge to help them identify career interests and strategically plan for their future careers

Over the past four VFC cohorts, we have mentored a total of 160 students from the Faculty. With the expert guidance of faculty members, guest speakers, industry stalwarts, and the practical experiences provided by startups at Cyberport, students have gained valuable insights, enhancing their readiness for the ongoing exploration of their career paths.

On October 10, 2024, the opening ceremony for the Venture into Future Career Programme 2024-25 took place at the HKU Rayson Huang Theatre, marking the commencement of its fifth cohort and celebrating this significant milestone alongside our esteemed programme partners. This new cohort comprises 45 students from 10 programmes who are eagerly anticipating the journey ahead, which includes receiving mentorship, training, and engaging with seasoned business professionals from diverse sectors.


Group picture with guests and VFC 2024-25 students


(Left to Right)

Mr. King LAI, Founder and CEO, Pubrio Limited
Mr. Paulus Chau, Director, Hong Kong and Emerging Markets, AICPA&CIMA
Ir. Eric Chan, Chief Public Mission Officer, Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited
Prof. Derek Chan, Associate Dean (Undergraduate), HKU Business School
Prof. Winnie Leung, Assistant Dean (Undergraduate), HKU Business School
Mr. Charles WHITTAKER, Head of Sales and Distribution for Swire Hotels
Dr Albert Lam, Chief Technology Officer and the Chief Scientist of Fano Labs


Student sharing by past participants

(Left to Right)

Ms. Bella Liu, BBA, Year 2
Mr. Carlos Or, BBA(IBGM), Year 2
Ms. Hazel Hu, BBA(Acc&Fin), Year 2

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