Dr. Clement Wong holds a PhD in Economics from Indiana University in Bloomington, an MBA from the University of Texas in Austin, and a B.A. in Economics from Indiana University in Bloomington. His research interests are in international economics and international finance. Dr. Wong has conducted executive training for banks and corporations, including the Bank of China (Hong Kong) and L.G. Electronics. He also worked as a consultant for Pacific Economic Cooperation Council, Pacific Basin Economic Council, Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce, and the Independent Commission Against Corruption.
Selected Publications
- “Are All Measures of International Reserves Created Equal? An Empirical Comparison of International Reserves Ratios”,
in Ronald MacDonald ed., Recent Developments in International Money and Finance, 2008, Economics , 2008. - “A Model of Trade in Services”,
(with Anming Zhang and Jinhui Wu), Review of International Economics, Vol 14, No.1 , 2006, pp.148-168. - “Non-tariff Barriers to Trade in the Pacific Rim”,
(with Steve Ching and Anming Zhang), Pacific Economic Review, Vol 9, No.1 , 2004, pp.65-74. - “Market Risk Management of Banks: Implications from the Accuracy of Value-at-Risk Forecasts”,
(with Michael C. S. and W. Y. Cheng), Journal of Forecasting, Vol 22, 2003, pp.22-23. - Private Sector’s View of Trade Liberalisation in Services: A Hong Kong Perspective
(with Anming Zhang), University of Chicago Press, 2002. - “A Survey of Market Practitioners’ Views on Exchange Rate Dynamics”,
(with Yin Wong Cheung), Journal of International Economics, Vol 51, 2000, pp.401-419. - “The Performance of Trading Rule in Four Asian Currency Exchange Rates”,
(with Yin Wong Cheung), Multinational Finance Journal, Vol 1, No.1 , 1997, pp.1-22. - “Black Market Exchange Rates and Capital Mobility in Asian Economies”,
Contemporary Economic Policy, Vol 15, No.1 , 1997, pp.21-36. - “Unification of China’s Foreign Exchange Rates”,
(with Guobo Huang), Contemporary Economic Policy, Vol 14, No.4, 1996, pp.42-57.