先前關於角色一致性理論的文獻主要圍繞基於人口統計學的期望展開。此文獻多聚焦與不同角色的規範性期望不匹配而導致的角色不一致性。在本研究中,作者不再傳統地關注角色之間的不一致性,而是探索了另一種的角色不一致性來源,即基於職能期望的內部角色不一致性是如何被語言表達所觸發的。通過對2003年至2018年中的7649筆合同債務以及公司電話會議記錄的分析, 作者發現當財務總監(CFO)的語言表達與針對其職能期望不一致時,銀行會採用更多的債務合同契約條款。作者認為這是因為CFO的職能角色不協調會令銀行感知到更多的風險。此外,通過調查相應公司首席執行官(CEO)語言表達和媒體輿情的調節效應,我們展示了社會背景和對公司的輿情是如何影響這種負面的不一致性效應。我們從理論層面討論了角色不一致性來源和合同設計前因之前的關係,為未來的相關研究提供參考。

Interorganizational projects often suffer disruptions that require participating organizations to adapt in order to restore project operations. We study the role of communication style in facilitating adaptation to such disruptions. Whereas the literature on interorganizational communication has emphasized communication mode and frequency, we study the content and features of written communication in seven U.K. construction projects. Communication style mattered for adaptation quality in these projects, and we found that several properties of communication style were particularly important for adaptation: cost and information orientation, as well as informality, precision and authenticity. Moreover, managerial slack and organizational reputation were important precursors of communication style. These results provide novel insights into the role of communication style in adaptation to interorganizational project disruptions. We discuss the implications of these insights for research on interorganizational projects in operations and supply chain management.