Heiwai TANG
Prof. Heiwai TANG
Associate Dean (External Relations)
Victor and William Fung Professor in Economics (馮國經馮國綸基金教授 (經濟學))
Director, Asia Global Institute
Director, APEC Study Center
Associate Director, Hong Kong Institute of Economics and Business Strategy

3917 0029
3917 4388

MB 335/ KK 920

Can globalisation survive coronavirus or will the pandemic kill it?

Professor Heiwai Tang, Professor of Economics, was interviewed by SCMP on the future of globalisation after the pandemic

Evolution of globalisation: development and reflections over the past 2 centuries


Coronavirus: What’s going to happen to China’s economy?

Professor Heiwai Tang, Professor of Economics, was interviewed by SCMP on China's economy amid coronavirus

Coronavirus cases are dropping – should HK reopen the economy?

Podcast of Professor Heiwai Tang, Professor of Economics, on Hong Kong stimulus package and whether the government should start reopening the economy

“What will the new normal look like when the pandemic ends?”

Professor Heiwai Tang, Professor of Economics, was interviewed by TVB Pearl on the economic impacts of COVID-19.

【未來基金.下】「港版淡馬錫」 會否淪為「四不像」?

Professor Heiwai Tang, Professor of Economics, was interviewed by HK01 on Future Fund.

【未來基金.上】方向不明 目標不清 三問「港版淡馬錫」

Professor Heiwai Tang, Professor of Economics, was interviewed by HK01 on Future Fund.

Prof. Heiwai Tang: A u-shaped recovery is expected for the China’s economy

Professor Heiwai Tang, Professor of Economics, was interviewed by BBC World News on the impacts of COVID-19 to the economy of China.