Working at home benefits entrepreneurs by lowering fixed costs and allowing them to engage in joint market and household production. We evaluate a large-scale reform in Singapore, the Home Office Scheme, that allowed business creation at one’s residential property and study whether home-based entrepreneurship spurs entrepreneurial activities. The difference-in-differences estimate shows that the reform led to a significantly higher level of business creation and the firms newly created in response to the reform had a higher survival rate. The effect is more pronounced for low-income female individuals and industries with high start-up capital, implying that financial constraints and nonpecuniary benefits likely drive the effect. The reform also encourages entrepreneurs to become serial entrepreneurs, and they open a larger business with a similar survival rate for their second firm. Overall, our findings suggest that the program effectively attracted more entry into self-employment without significantly lowering the average quality of the pool.

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KK 819
- Ph.D., National University of Singapore
- B.S., University of Science and Technology of China
Dr. Zhang joined The University of Hong Kong (HKU) as an assistant professor at the HKU Business School in 2020. Prior to that, he was an assistant professor of finance at Hong Kong Baptist University.
His areas of interest include Household Finance, Behavioral Finance, Financial Institutions, and Corporate Finance. His research has been published in major economics and finance journals, including Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Economics and Statistics, Management Science, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Review of Finance and Journal of Financial Intermediation.
- “Liberalizing Home-Based Business” (with S. Agarwal, T. Sing, and C. Song), Management Science, 70(12), 2024, 8301-8321.
- “Investing in Low-Trust Countries: On the Role of Social Trust in the Global Mutual Fund Industry” (with M. Massa, C. Wang and H. Zhang), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 57(1), 2022, 240-290.
- “Interest Rate Pass-Through and Consumption Response: The Deposit Channel” (with S. Agarwal, S. Chomsisengphet, and Y. Yildirim), Review of Economics and Statistics, 103(5), 2021, 922-938.
- “Air Pollution, Behavioral Bias, and the Disposition Effect in China” (with J. Li, M. Massa and H. Zhang), Journal of Financial Economics, 142(2), 2021, 641-673.
- “Good Days, Bad Days: Stock Market Fluctuation and Taxi Tipping Decisions” (with W. Tan), Management Science, 67(6), 2021, 3965-3984.
- “Disguised Corruption: Evidence from Consumer Credit in China” (with S. Agarwal, W. Qian and A. Seru), Journal of Financial Economics, 137(2), 2020, 430-450.
- “Gender Gap in Personal Bankruptcy Risks: Empirical Evidence from Singapore” (with S. Agarwal, J. He and T. Sing), Review of Finance, 22(2), 2018, 813-847.
- “Gender Difference and Intra-Household Economic Power in Mortgage Signing Order” (with S. Agarwal, R. Green, E. Rosenblatt, and V. Yao), Journal of Financial Intermediation, 36, 2018, 86-100.
- “Housing Property Rights, Collateral, and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from China” (with G. Fan, H. Li, and J. Li), Journal of Banking and Finance, 143, 2022, 106588.
有見近年的健康科學研究發現空氣污染影響心理健康和認知,我們亦嘗試加以探討空氣污染會否加劇金融市場中的認知偏差。此研究是根據一間中國大型證券投資基金的專有數據,當中包括於247 個城市、超過 773,198 個賬戶的完整交易資訊。我們發現空氣污染顯著增加了投資者賣盈持虧的處置效應。同時我們探究了兩項影響空氣質素的外生變化,即強風導致空氣污染大幅度消散及淮河政策,證明以上發現存在因果解釋。研究亦指出調適心情可成為一項潛在的應對機制。
Using a comprehensive sample of credit card data from a leading Chinese bank, we show that government bureaucrats receive 16% higher credit lines than non-bureaucrats with similar income and demographics, but their accounts experience a significantly higher likelihood of delinquency and debt forgiveness. Regions associated with greater credit provision to bureaucrats open more branches and receive more deposits from the local government. After staggered corruption crackdowns of provincial-level political officials, the new credit cards originated to bureaucrats in exposed regions do not enjoy a credit line premium, and bureaucrats’ delinquency and reinstatement rates are similar to those of non-bureaucrats.