Customer reviews help communicate product information, but their effectiveness may suffer from selection bias (i.e., depending on factors, such as the individual experience and price, not all consumers may voluntarily write reviews). Consequently, a seller may have to resort to additional means (e.g., signaling through price in the context of an experience good) to convey its quality. This paper develops an analytical model to investigate the interaction of customer reviews and price with the presence of selection bias in marketing an experience good with uncertain quality to consumers. Our analysis reveals the dual roles played by both customer reviews and price in communicating quality information. On one hand, customer reviews may either directly convey product information with unbiased distribution of reviews or facilitate price signaling when reviews are biased because of selection. On the other hand, price may be adjusted to mitigate the selection bias of reviews to make them more informative, and it may also signal quality directly in the presence of review bias. As a result, we show that bias in reviews may actually benefit consumers without compromising information communication as the incentive to reduce review selection bias makes it credible and profitable for the high-quality seller to signal its type by undercutting the price that would be set if it is of low quality. We then extend our analysis to examine the information, profits, and welfare impacts of several important design elements of a review system as well as the impact of consumers’ aversion to risk. Finally, the implications of our findings on the management of user-generated content and pricing are discussed.

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為用戶提供主動匹配搭建平台的企業在提高匹配效率和保證匹配質量方面面臨著巨大的挑戰。本文研究了當用戶從匹配的垂直屬性(即質量)及其水平屬性(即異質性匹配)中獲得效用時,信息設計如何用於改善匹配結果。我們考慮一個博弈論模型,其中互相競爭的發送者向互相競爭的接收者提出匹配請求,並且兩側的用戶在水平和垂直方向上都有差異。 我們首先證明用戶對垂直屬性的偏好會加劇競爭並損害匹配效率,並且為了避免競爭,發送者可能會從近距離接收者切換到遠距離接收者,即便對匹配的水平接近度更加看中。其次,我們研究了四種信息設計,每種設計隱去來自市場一側的一種類型的信息。 隱去任何一側的垂直信息的設計增加了匹配的數量,這其中隱去接收者信息的改進更大。 相比之下,隱去任何一側水平信息的設計可能導致所有請求都集中在一個接收者上,並導致最嚴重的匹配失敗。 第三,匹配數量的增加是以犧牲某些用戶福利為代價的,因為隱去一側的垂直信息不僅會傷害雙側的高質量用戶,也會傷害另一側的低質量用戶。 儘管在某些條件下隱去一側的水平信息可能會增加匹配量,但隱去一側的垂直信息的設計可以做到帕累托改進。 第四,在配過程中用戶的自行策略定價不僅重新分配了用戶福利,而且糾正了匹配失真。 最後,與沒有用戶定價的結果對比,當用戶可以策略定價時,平台隱去一側的縱向信息可以使另一側的所有用戶受益,而隱去一側的橫向信息可以使同一側的所有用戶受益。