Prof. Ma Jun also serves as the Chairman and President of Hong Kong Green Finance Association (HKGFA), President of the Institute of Finance and Sustainability (IFS), Chairman of Green Finance Committee of China Society for Finance and Banking, Chairman of Capacity-building Alliance of Sustainable Investment (CASI), Co-Chair of IPSF Working Group of Taxonomy, Co-Chair of Steering Committee of the Green Investment Principles for the Belt & Road, a member of China’s National Environmental Expert Committee, a member of Hong Kong’s Green Technology and Finance Development Committee, and a member of Hong Kong’s Council for Carbon Neutrality and Sustainable Development.
Prof. Ma was formerly Co-Chair of G20 Sustainable Finance Working Group, a founding member of NGFS Steering Committee, a member of the Monetary Committee of the People’s Bank of China (PBOC), the Chief Economist at Research Bureau of the PBOC, Managing Director/Chief Economist/Investment Strategist for Greater China with Deutsche Bank, Senior Economist at the World Bank, and Economist at the IMF.
Prof. Ma has been a leading policy advocate and practitioner of green and sustainable finance in China and globally. In 2015-16, he led the drafting of China’s green finance guidelines and green bond standard. In the past few years, he played a key role in developing the global consensus on scaling up green finance and transition finance under the G20 framework, the Green Investment Principles of the Belt & Road, the IPSF Common Ground Taxonomy, the NGFS work on biodiversity and financial stability, and the global capacity-building platform named CASI. Prof. Ma received numerous awards for his achievement in promoting green and sustainable finance in China, Hong Kong SAR, and globally.
Prof. Ma received his PhD in Economics from Georgetown University in 1994, and his master’s degree in Management Science from Fudan University in 1988.
- Green Finance and ESG
- Green and Sustainable Finance
- Climate Change Policy
- Carbon Markets
- International Governance
- Macroeconomics
- Monetary Policy
- Structural Reforms
- Ma Jun, ed. 2022. Roadmap for Green Finance Development in the Context of Carbon Neutrality, China Financial Press.《碳中和愿景下的绿色金融路线图研究》,马骏主编,中国金融出版社,2022年
- Ma Jun and Ma Tianlu, ed. 2021. Carbon Neutrality and Green Finance Roadmap for Chongqing Province, China Financial Press.《重庆碳中和与绿色金融路线图研究》,马骏、马天逯主编,中国金融出版社,2021年
- Ma Jun, An Guojun, et al. 2020. An Eco-system for Financing Green Technologies, China Financial Press. 《构建支持绿色技术创新的金融服务体系》,马骏、安国俊等著,中国金融出版社,2020年
- Ma Jun et al. 2019. Early Warnings, Transmission, and Policy Intervention for Financial Crises, China Financial Press. 《金融危机的预警、传染和政策干预》,马骏、何晓贝、唐晋荣等著,中国金融出版社,2019年
- Ma Jun et al., ed. 2018. Case Studies of Environmental Risk Analysis for Financial Institutions, China Financial Press. 马骏等主编:《金融机构环境风险分析与案例研究》,中国金融出版社,2018年
- Ma Jun, Guan Tao et al. 2018. Interest Rate Liberalization and Monetary Policy Framework. China Financial Press.《利率市场化与货币政策框架转型》,马骏、管涛等著,中国金融出版社,2018年
- Ma Jun, ed. 2017. Establishing a Green Financial System in China (2nd Edition), China Financial Press.《构建中国绿色金融体系》(第二版),马骏主编,中国金融出版社,2017年
- Ma Jun et al. ed. 2017, Case Studies of International Green Finance, China Financial Press. 《国际绿色金融发展与案例研究》,马骏主编,周月秋、殷红副主编,中国金融出版社,2017年
- Ma Jun. 2016. The Economics of Air Pollution in China: Achieving Better and Cleaner Growth, Columbia University Press
- Ma Jun et al. ed. 2016. Case Studies of Green Finance Development in China, China Financial Press. 《中国绿色金融发展与案例研究》,马骏主编,周月秋、殷红副主编,中国金融出版社,2016年
- Ma Jun, Ji Min et al. 2016. Interest Rate Transmission under the New Monetary Policy Framework, China Financial Press.《新货币政策框架下的利率传导机制》,马骏、纪敏等著,中国金融出版社,2016年
- Green Finance Working Group (Chaired by Ma Jun and Simon Zadek). 2015. Establishing A Green Financial System in China (1st Edition), China Financial Press. 《构建中国绿色金融体系》,绿色金融工作小组(马骏、Simon Zadek牵头),中国金融出版社,2015年
- Ma Jun, Li Zhiguo et al. 2014. Economic Policy to Fight Air Pollution, China Economic Press. 《5减排的经济政策》,马骏、李治国等著,中国经济出版社, 2014年
- Pan Gongsheng and Ma Jun, ed. 2014. Local Debt and Government Budget Constraint, China Financial Press. 《地方债与政府预算约束》,潘功胜主编、马骏副主编,中国金融出版社,2014年
- Ma Jun, Zhang Xiaorong, and Li Zhiguo et al. 2012. A Study of China’s National Balance Sheet. Social Science Press. 《中国国家资产负债表研究》,马骏、张晓蓉、李治国等著,社会科学文献出版社,2012年
- Ma Jun and Xu Jiangang et al. 2012. Roadmap for RMB Internationalization – Offshore Market and Capital Account Liberalization, China Economic Press. 《人民币走出国门之路——离岸市场发展与资本项目开放》,马骏、徐剑刚等著,中国经济出版社,2012年
- Ma Jun. 2011. Footprint of Money – Inflation, Central Bank Independence, and RMB Internationalization, China Economic Press.《货币的轨迹——通胀、央行独立性和人民币国际化》,马骏著,中国经济出版社,2011年
- Hana Brixi and Ma Jun, ed. 2003. New Perspective and International Experience on Financial Risk Management. China Fiscal Press.《财政风险管理:新理念与国际经验》,Hana Brixi 、马骏主编,中国财政经济出版社,2003年
- Ma Jun. 1998. Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfer – International Experience and Implications for China, China Fiscal Press.《论转移支付——政府间财政转移支付的国际经验及对中国的借鉴意义》,马骏著,中国财政经济出版社,1998年
- Ma Jun and Zheng Kangbin, ed. 1997. Public Finance Practices in Western Countries, China Fiscal Press.《西方财政实践》,马骏、郑康彬主编,中国财政经济出版社,1997年
- Ma Jun. 1999. The Chinese Economy in the 1990s, Macmillan Press
- Ma Jun. 1996. Intergovernmental Relations and Economic Management in China, Macmillan Press
- 2023年,International Green Finance Lifetime Achievement Award, by Central Bank of Hungary, 获匈牙利央行绿色金融国际终身成就科学奖
- 2023年,获中国侨联特聘专家建言献策特等奖
- 2023年,Honorary Chairman, Greater Bay Area Green Finance Alliance, 获聘粤港澳大湾区绿色金融联盟名誉主席
- 2023年,获全国联工商房地产商会香港及国际分会荣誉ESG精英奖
- 2023年,获聘香港社会企业研究院名誉院长
- 2023年,获灼见名家ESG翘楚大奖
- 2023年,获2023年度首席气候官奖项
- 2023年,获2023 ESG先锋60“年度ESG探索人物奖”
- 2022年,获中国侨联“侨界贡献一等奖”
- 2022年,获“中国侨联特聘专家建言献策特等奖”
- 2022年,获中国企业社会责任年会“2022年度责任先锋”
- 2022年,Best Individual Award on Sustainable Development, by EY获安永可持续发展年度最佳“杰出个人”奖
- 2021年,获中国侨联“中国侨联特聘专家建言献策特等奖”
- 2020年,获中国投资协会“2020年度突出贡献专家奖”
- 2019年,获第一财经“年度金融书籍”奖
- 2019年,China Soft Science Award著作《构建中国绿色金融体系》获中国软科学奖
- 2019年,论文中国国际金融协会年度优秀论文
- 2019年,著作获《金融论坛》“优秀论文奖”
- 2019年,获“中国侨联特聘专家建言献策特等奖”
- 2018年,著作获中国国际经济关系学会“优秀论文奖”
- 2018年,获“中国侨联特聘专家建言献策特等奖”
- 2018年,Sunyefang Finance Innovation Award论文获孙冶方金融创新奖
- 2018年,Green Bond Leadership Award, by Climate Bond Initiative获气候债券组织“绿色债券领袖奖”
- 2017年,著作获“十大金融图书奖”
- 2017年,著作获第五届金融图书“金羊奖”
- 2017年,获“中国侨联特聘专家建言献策特等奖”
- 2017年,著作获“CF40年度金融书籍奖”
- 2017年,Award for Outstanding Contribution to China’s Green Finance Development, by Asia Money获《亚洲金融》“中国绿色金融发展杰出贡献奖”
- 2017年,第五届金融图书金羊奖(2017)
- 2017年,中国银行业论坛十大金融图书
- 2016年,被第一财经评为“绿色金融领军人物”
- 2016年,Award for Outstanding Contribution to G20, by PBOC获中国人民银行颁发的G20工作突出贡献个人奖
- 2016年,获中国侨联特聘建言献策“一等奖”
- 2016年,中国金融40人论坛评“年度书籍奖”
- 2016年,著作被第一财经评为年度金融书籍
- 2015年,著作获中国金融40人论坛年度书籍奖
- 2012年,著作获中国银行业发展研究年度优秀成果一等奖
- 2010-12年,连续三年获香港财务分析师协会年度预测第一名
- 2009-2012年,#1 Asia Economist, by Institutional Investors, for four consecutive years, 连续四次被《机构投资者》杂志评为亚洲经济学家第一名
- 2009-2013年,# 1 China Analyst, by Institutional Investors, for five consecutive years连续五次被《机构投资者》杂志评为中国分析师第一名
- 2012年,被第一财经评为年度机构首席经济学家(外资)
- 2012年,被《亚洲金融》(Finance Asia)评为中国最佳银行家之一
- 2010年,获搜狐财经最佳经济预测奖