
- PhD: University of Pittsburgh 2010
- Master: Nanyang Technological University 2003
- July 2018 – now, Associate professor (with tenure) of accounting, The University of Hong Kong
- Nov 2010 – June 2018, Assistant professor of accounting, National University of Singapore (NUS)
- Managerial Accounting, NUS 2016-2018
- Corporate Governance and Ethics, NUS 2014-2015
- Introduction of Financial Accounting, NUS 2010-2013
- Financial Accounting, University of Pittsburgh 2008
- Industrial Organization And Information Transfer
- Financial Analysts
- Financial Reporting And Disclosure
- Executive Compensation
- Corporate Governance
- The Effect of Analyst-Auditor Connections on Analysts’ Performance, with M. Defond, J. Fang, and C. Lennox, European Accounting Review, forthcoming.
- Common ownership and analyst forecasts, 2024, with Q. Cheng, and J. Zhang, European Accounting Review 33(1): 223-249.
- Back to school: How CEO pre-career exposure to religiosity affects firm innovation, 2023, with G. Chen, Y. Tang, J. Tong. Journal of Management 49 (3): 881-912.
- Short interest and corporate investment: Evidence from supply chain partners, 2022, with Xia Chen, and Guojin Gong. Contemporary Accounting Research 39 (2): 1455-1508.
- CEO sports hobby and firms’ tax aggressiveness, 2022, with Terry Shevlin, Lirong Shi, and Aimee Shih. Journal of the American Taxation Association 44 (1): 123-153.
- Lenders’ experience with borrowers’ major customers and the debt contracting demand for accounting conservatism, 2018, with Guojin Gong. The Accounting Review 93 (5): 187-222.
- Information complementarities and supply chain analysts, 2015, with Nandu J. Nagarajan. The Accounting Review 90 (5): 1995-2029.
- Making the same mistake all over again: CEO overconfidence and corporate resistance to corrective feedback, 2015, with Guoli Chen, and Craig Crossland. Strategic Management Journal 36 (10): 1513-1535.
- Passing probation: Earnings management by interim CEOs and its effect on their promotion prospects, 2015, with Guoli Chen, Yi Tang, and Jamie Y. Tong. Academy of Management Journal 58 (5): 1389-1418.
- CEO turnover, financial distress, and contractual innovations, 2014, with John Harry Evans III, and Nandu J. Nagarajan. The Accounting Review 89 (3): 959-990.
- Client-auditor supply chain relationships, audit quality, and audit pricing, 2014, with Karla M. Johnstone, and Chan Li. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 33 (4): 119-166.
- Why do CFOs become involved in material accounting manipulations?, 2011, with Mei Feng, Weili Ge, and Terry Shevlin. Journal of Accounting and Economics 51 (1-2): 21-36.
- Editor: Journal of Management Accounting Research 2022 –
- Committee member for the Notable Contribution to Management Accounting Literature Award for American Accounting Association, 2022
- Editorial Advisory and Review Board: Journal of Management Accounting Research 2018 – 2021
- Ad Hoc reviewer for: The Accounting Review, Management Science, Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, Accounting Horizon, Accounting and Finance, Australian Journal of Management; European Journal of Management; Financial Analysts Journal; Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance; Journal of Management Accounting Research; Hong Kong Government’s Research Grant Council; AAA annual meetings, CAAA annual meetings, EAA annual meetings, FARs mid-year meetings, AAA managerial accounting mid-year meetings, and AAA mid-year auditing meetings, etc.
- Discussant for: AAA annual meetings, CAAA annual meetings, EAA annual meetings, FARs mid-year meetings, AAA managerial accounting mid-year meetings, AAA mid-year auditing meetings, Multi-national Finance Society Annual Conference, Singapore Management University Accounting Symposium, etc.
We investigate whether short interest affects supply chain partners' investments. This investigation is important for understanding the real effect of short sellers in facilitating stakeholders' investment decisions. Prior research suggests that short interest conveys negative news in a timely manner, which predicts future deterioration in firm fundamentals. We predict and find that a supplier's future investments decrease with its major customers' short interest. Consistent with predictions, this result is more pronounced when customers' short interest is more informative about their future performance, when customers have a more opaque information environment, and when suppliers incur lower customer switching costs. The results are robust when we use various approaches to address endogeneity concerns and establish causality. Our findings suggest that short sellers provide valuable information to supply chain partners when making investment decisions.