Job Market Candidates
This page contains information of our research postgraduate students who are on the job market for the academic year 2024-2025 and it is regularly being updated.

Mr. Xing HU
Research fields: Empirical Industrial Organization; International Trade;
Productivity, Supplier Network and Firm Dynamics
Job market paper: "Transportation Network and Market Integration: Evidence from China"
Supervisors: Prof. Hongsong ZHANG, Prof. Xiaodong ZHU

Mr. Andrew Yunchou ZHANG
Research fields: Organizational Economics, Contract Theory, Personnel Economics
Job market paper: "Optimal Rule Enforcement"
Supervisors: Prof. Yanhui WU, Prof. Jin LI

Ms. Zexi ZHOU
Research fields: Empirical Industrial Organization, Urban Economics, Industrial Policy
Job market paper: "Industrial Clustering with Production Networks: Micro Evidence and
Aggregate Implications in China"
Supervisors: Prof. Hongsong ZHANG, Prof. Pai XU

Mr. Jian FENG
Research fields: Behavioral Bias, Economic Network, Textual Analysis
Job market paper: "Link-Firm Characteristics as Covariances: An IPCA Approach to Economic Linkages"
Supervisors: Prof. Shiyang HUANG, Prof. Jiantao HUANG

Ms. Huilin GAO
Innvation and Information Management
Research fields: Social Justice, Information Disclosure, Platform Moderation
Job market paper: "Location Disclosure and Online Toxicity"
Supervisors: Prof. Michael CHAU, Prof. Yipu DENG
Management and Strategy
Research fields: Applied Econometrics, Development Economics, Economic History, Human Capital, and Innovation
Job market paper: "Awakening Latent Human Capital: the Opening-up and Entrepreneurship in 19th-century China"
Supervisors: Prof. Zhiwu CHEN, Prof. Jin LI

Ms. Yixin MEI
Management and Strategy
Research fields: Media Economics, Digital Economy, Managerial Economics, Applied Microeconomics
Job market paper: "Social Media and Government Responsiveness: Evidence from Vaccine Procurement in China"
Supervisors: Prof. Yanhui WU, Prof. Jin LI

Ms. Yaxian ZHOU
Management and Strategy
Research fields: Occupational health and well-being, team dynamics, leadership
Job market paper: "The Power of Acceptance: A Multi-study, Multi-method Examination of How and When
Acceptance Influences Anxiety and Performance at Work"
Supervisors: Prof. Bonnie CHENG, Prof. Simon LAM